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2019 Annual Legends & Legacies of East Bridgewater Gala photos

As our President, Ginny O’Kelly, has written, the 2019 gala was a rousing success. Here is a short excerpt from Ginny. (Enjoy the many photos taken by retired EBHS teacher, John Young.)

“Professor Suzanne Ferrell-Locke (’02) and Dr. Catherine McCusker (’97), who both have extensive post-secondary credentials and careers, introduced Jamil with remarks containing a blend of humor and affection, memories of countless hours learning mathematics during and after the school day, learning from Jamil and loving the learning process.

When our Honoree took the podium, guests were in store for one of the most inspirational and entertaining stories ever shared, detailing his journey through what seemed at times like obstacles, moving onward to the amazing successes he and his students have achieved together.”


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